Thursday, July 22, 2010

Internet is Back

Well, after about a week with no DSL modem, I finally received a replacement from the company that will take over IL's verizon accounts--Frontier. After about 2 hours on the phone to them, I finally got the Internet up and running. I can hardly wait until they change my Internet address from to Then,I can send out a notice of change of internet address to about 80 places. That should be great fun and a big waste of time.
Must catch up with the back mail and reading.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Is Almost Gone

Where did all the Summer go? They seem to get shorter and shorter every year.
But then our Government is about to shorten our lives for us whether we like it or not. Bring on the Emanuels with their Death Panels. It looks like the big O can't fix or handle anything, but cares not as long as his Progressive Agenda changes our world forever. What do we expect from someone who voted Present most of the time, never balanced a budget or ran even a local government?
It's a good thing I read Rules For Radicals, by Alinsky back in the 60s or 70s. At the time I thought it was a great way to bring down our country. Little did I realize that others were taking Alinsky's words very seriously.
This is what happens when you outlive people making decisions. You are aware of so much stuff that they'll never learn!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Healthcare and Beyond

Now that Obamcare has been shoved down our throat, I suppose it's time for Cap 'N Tax and the rest of the Socialisst program.
The fact that the Prez flat-out lied about the cost and the coverage, bribed congress and doesn't seem to care about the safety of our country apparently doesn't bother his group of
apparatchiks. It certainly bothers about 2/3 of the country. I gues it's hara kiri time for most of us.